Friday, August 20, 2010

Manori - So near, yet so far...

There is no place on Earth where I remember the phrase 'So near, yet so far' more than when I am in Manori - a small island just north of the Marve - Malad jetty in the northern suburbs of Mumbai.

Manori is not a place that many will write odes to, but it remains one of my oft-visited and most loved weekend getaways from the city. Why you ask? Well really, there is no rocket science to it. First, its really conveniently located. Beat this -it takes me a total of 45 minutes from when I step out of my door at home to get to the resort room and THAT to any Mumbaikar is the biggest boon. I mean, who wants to drive 3 hours to a destination when you spend an average of 15 hours traveling on the city roads during the week? I sure don't.Second, it gives me the chance to get a ferry ride - I have always liked ferry rides since I was a kid, so this 2 min ferry ride is quite perfect. Third,in just 45 mins and a ferry ride across a creek I reach a beachside resort that's quiet, clean, and filled with the sounds of the sea and some lilting music on Worldspace radio.

I am talking of Manoribel - a midsized beach resort which is remarkably unpretentious, wellkept and green.And why shouldn't it be? Managed that it is by a bunch of village ladies who run everything from the resort kitchen, reception, bar and sometimes even the tandoor!Most of the women here come from the Catholic or the fishing community and Manoribel's food has the distinct home-cooked Malwani flavour to it.I swear by their prawns masala and steamed rice, which I chase down with a cold beer. Even writing about it here, makes me slurp! :)

Manoribel has a combination of both AC and Non AC beachfront cottages, so you can take your pick. I have stayed mostly in the AC cottages and I don't have much to complain about except that they could provide guests with better towels. However, if you are looking for 5 star luxuries, and down feather duvets - you will be disappointed. The resort rooms are neat but sparse with basic furniture - plain white sheets, and normal brown blankets...oh and they have mosquito nets - how very quaint! The toilets again are basic, but clean. If there's one thing I love about the cottages are the sitouts, they are killer - step out of your room and you come face to face with the sea - it's such a peaceful easy feeling, sitting there staring out at the sea, possibly with a beer to keep you company :)

And hey - you are here to get away from it all, right? So what do you need a TV for?
None of the rooms at Manoribel have a TV and I think that works brilliantly. You can spend time hanging out in the many hammocks with a book, or maybe play some carrom at the restaurant, if you are especially sporty try your hand at badminton or volleyball - both of which are provided by the resort. As for me, I usually cling to the hammock or sit out under the small gazebos looking out at the sea. The beach is not exceptionally clean (as is the case with most of the beaches in Mumbai), but of late I have seen their beaches cleaner than before. Anyways, a walk down the beach watching the sunset can be very therapeutic,so take time out to do it!

Manoribel provides some good tandoori fare for on the weekends, so make sure you order your share of tikkas when you settle down to enjoy your evening here. It's usually packed on the weekends with couples and families, but in all the times I have been there, I havent really found wailing, shrieking or badly behaved kids and that's such a relief - most people are busy amongst themselves and don't really bother with others. Also, Manoribel bar only serves beers and wines - if you want to drink something else, I suggest you get it along with you - the management here has no problems with it - so drink up!

A day at the Manoribel can take away weeks of fatigue and frustration. This is the place to go if you are looking for instant R&R away from the city yet within easy grasp. And if you don't want to stay the weekend, no can make a day trip here and still sample the quintessential Manori experience.

Its Instant Nirvana!


  1. Seems like a nice place to spend week-end.

  2. yes, manori is rather convenient for even us folks on the 'other' line (central, via gor bandar rd). would help if you also jot indicative costs and contact details of places you reco in a small inobtrusive box somewhere on the post.
    also, food/bev price ranges. just a suggestion...

    your writing though is perfect to set the travel mood in :)

  3. Thanks Amrita...excellent suggestion :) Will incorporate it.
